Monday, August 30, 2010

COWs - Week 3

7th grade COWs were returned today with comments, and all 6th grade COWs will be returned tomorrow with comments. The new COW for Week 3 was assigned today. Notice that one of the constraints has to do with not only who can go in the boat at one time, but also what can go in the boat. Think tonight about how you will represent the who and what as they travel.

Fact Fluency - we are working to help students develop 'automaticity' with basic math facts. The four arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) with single digit numbers should be 'automatic', meaning a student just knows them without having to think about it. Without automaticity the development of higher-order skills - multi-digit addition, fractions, and problem solving, will be severely impacted. Think of it as freeing up brain space to work on problems rather than using it up on basic math facts. We will have timed 'mad minutes' for all four operations each day this week, and then calculate the mean of each operation. We will do this again periodically throughout the year to see our growth. For practice, you can go to MATH FACT PRACTICE.


  1. You're welcome - try to beat your best time every night. It will make you faster and more accurate to practice.

  2. OMG Kenna and I ( Miriam ) are currently trying to solve the C.O.W. WE CANNOT GET IT, IT IS REALLY HARD!!!!!!! We need help and we are cunfuzzled!!! -- Miriam And Kenna Newcoon The Awesomely Awesome!!!

  3. thank goodness that i can practice on this! I AM HORRIBLE AT MATH AND WITH YOUR HELP I will BECOME BETTER IF IT IS THE LAST THING I DOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

    -Elise Nanista

  4. Thank you for posting this Ms. Svenson!! It has been helping me a LOT!!!! =)
