Wednesday, February 16, 2011

ixl skills

7th grade should now be done will all of the U's and all of the V's. If you are not done with these, please continue to work on them. Term 2 ends on Thursday. :)
Tonight's homework skills are X.6 and X.10

6th Grade - there is no CoW for tomorrow. Students should complete skills x.6 and x.7 on in preparation for tomorrow's test. This was assigned on Tuesday, yet many students must still complete this work. If you have completed it to level 90, you may use it as a review for tomorrow. Try to get to a smart score of 100. :)


  1. 6th Grade - no cow tonight. Students are to complete X.6 and X.7 on in preparation for tomorrow's test.

  2. This is ridiculus. I have done the same problem 104 times now AND COUNTING! This is insanely hard and I still have 9 MORE TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And my minicell project.

  3. Blargaaggg, Please come see me for help. Minicell project comes first. After working 30 minutes on an project, please stop if you are having that much trouble, and come see me. I have lots of time before school and during lunch to assist. :)
