Monday, November 15, 2010

Rainy Monday Morning!

This week, 7th grade is using the correct order of operations to evaluate expressions. Click on this link for some practice.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

CoW #11 - Eliminate Possibilities

This week's cow has a new problem-solving strategy, Eliminate Possibilities. During the first week with this strategy, we will model this type of problem so that every student will have an example of how to use this strategy. Additionally, we will review each night's homework in class, so that students have a complete and correct solution by Friday (provided that they are taking notes during class). Click here for the reasoning and communication portion.

6th Grade skills for this week's homework are:
I.1, Addition and Subtraction Practice
I.2, Addition and Subtraction - Word Problems
K.1, Multiply Whole Numbers
K.2, Multiply Whole Numbers -Word Problems
Students must reach a Smart Score of 90 for every category!

7th Grade skills for this week's homework are:
U.1, Write Variable Expressions
U.2, Evaluate Single Variable Expressions I
U.3, Evaluate Single Variable Expressions II
D.2, Integers on Number Lines
Students must reach a Smart Score of 90 for every category!