Friday, April 22, 2011


The Math CRCT for 6th and 7th grade is next Friday, so we will have a week of review next week. Review packets for both grades will be sent home tonight. As the cover letter states, these may be done in any order, and we will review the answers throughout next week. All answers will be available to students next week, but problems must first be attempted.

7th Grade:
We have finished our studies of 2-dimensional transformations, and students should practice the Q skills on for review. Please work on this over the weekend. We have not had homework on Fridays throughout the year, but this one time should give you a boost. We will explore 3-dimensional transformations next week.

We also have been looking at scale factors, area ratios, and proportions in our Spark time. Please practice these topics with J8 and J9.

6th Grade:
Many of you have not yet completed all of the O's on Please see me for help if you are struggling, and read the explanations that are given for incorrect answers. Practice, practice, practice. We will engage in probability games and explorations next week, which is a content area that has not yet been focused on.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Updates for Today

6th Grade is doing a great job finishing up their weather/climate projects. Here's a great website to help with weather - click here

Spring Break and the Week After work
6th Grade - you are not required to complete work over spring break (unless you are behind in work that was due today). However, if you would like to get ahead or have a preview of the topics that will come after Spring Break, you can begin on the following topics, AA7 through AA14.

7th Grade
We had great efforts today on the constructions of reflections today. We'll be continuing with some constructions and transformations after Spring Break. Additionally, we will begin a Human Body Project. All of the associated documents can be found here. Students should complete one of the project options during the break. We will review the structure of the project tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

7th Grade Assessment Tomorrow

7th Graders, in addition to the work that was assigned on Monday and posted for "7th Grade This Week" homework, you were instructed to study for your culminating task in geometry that will begin tomorrow. The task will be very similar to today's classwork, and will require you to have knowledge of creating a perpendicular line through a point outside the line and being able to justify the steps. This takes practice and reasoning, which is why you do not have a CoW tonight. You should practice justifying the steps of creating a reflection, as was modeled in class today. You can use the link at the right, "GEOMETRIC CONSTRUCTIONS" for an animated review of this skill.

Monday, March 28, 2011

6th and 7th Grade this week - 7TH GRADE - SCAN TO BELOW

6th Grade: We are beginning a portfolio-eligible project in MST. Students will choose from three different levels for three different tasks. Students may choose from 1-, 2-, or 3-point options. 4-7 points earned will meet standards, and 8-9 points will exceed standards. Most Materials needed will be provided in class, but some work may be completed at home.

Click here for the rubric

1 Point - Weather Log

2 Points - Climate Comparison

3 Points - Weather and Climate

1, 2, and 3 Point Tasks - Severe Weather

1, 2, and 3 Point Tasks - Convection or Density skills this week: make sure you are done with all J's, V3, and G3 by Friday.

7th Grade - make sure you are up to a score of 100 on S1, S2, and S3 and begin work on Q4 and Q5. work is the only homework that you will have this week. TAKE IT SERIOUSLY.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

6th Grade Skills - 7th grade HW

6th Grade Cow - Complete J1 and J2 on

7th Grade Cow - Make sure that you have completed skills P4 and P5 for tomorrow. And for reasoning and communication - write the instructions for how to copy an angle using specific mathematical terms.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

6th and 7th Homework

6th grade - convert the following fractions to decimals and memorize the decimal equivalent: 1/4, 3/4, 1/8, 3/8, 5/8, 7/8, 1/3, 2/3, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, and 4/5

7th Grade - skill P5

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Thought I made my post for 7th grade homework, but forgot to hit 'Save' before rushing out. Now it's 9pm and you should all be in bed, so you have no CoW tonight. Don't worry, I'll make up for it with extra homework tomorrow. If you have already finished the task that I described in class (write step by step instructions for how to copy an angle using only Euclidean tools - you will get a Wolf Bone tomorrow for good listening and responsibility).

6th Grade - no CoW tonight - not a mistake, a conscious choice.